Marijuana and marijuana-type drugs





DQ 1: Discuss how you would approach pain management of a patient with severe chronic pain (rating of
9/10). The patient is anxious and complains of a pain level of 7/10 1.5 hours after receiving pain medications.
Please describe this in narrative form (minimum of 5 formal sentences). (Students with last name beginning
with A – M).
When discussing pain management, one must understand what pain is. Pain is the experience of sensory and
emotional feeling that is associated with actual or potential tissue damage, this feeling is an unpleasant
sensation (Karch, A.M. 2017). Pain is not something that can be observed. Pain is what a patient perceives it
to be. Some physical signs that a patient might be in pain would be a crying/grimaced facial expression or
moaning, groaning sounds of discomfort.
When treating a patient that is in pain it is important to assess that patient’s pain on a scale of 0-10. Also, in
children you could use a facial chart because it can be difficult for them to understanding the rating system.
When assessing their pain, it is important to ask about the location of the pain, what it feels like, is there
anything that makes it feel better and does anything make it feel worse. Usually with patients with sever pain
providers order medication for breakthrough pain. Breakthrough pain is when the pain is so sever that they
need a stronger medication to get it down and then continue with a maintenance dose, which is typically a
lower dose to prevent it from being elevated so high on the pain scale again. Also, medications are not the only
option for treating pain. Some other methods would be positioning, heat and cold therapy, massages, and
distraction to name just a few.
Karch, A.M. (2017). Focus on Nursing Pharmacology. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
DQ 2: Marijuana and marijuana-type drugs such as Marinol are used to treat nausea and vomiting and to
increase appetite. Discuss the pros and cons of medical marijuana. Include any concerns you may have for
various patients and diagnoses who may use it (answer this question assuming legalization; please do not
debate the issue of legalization itself). Please describe this in narrative form (minimum of 5 formal sentences).
Dr. Love and class,
Although marijuana is not a federally legal substance, many states have approved it for medical uses. As with
any drug there are pros and cons of medical marijuana treatments. Studies show that marijuana and similar
drugs help treat symptoms of a wide variety of illnesses and alleviate side effects of certain medications. These
treatments have been effective in reducing nauseas and vomiting in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
Nausea and vomiting are common side effects of chemo drugs, but when used with marijuana treatments
patients report a decrease in these side effects. Along with reducing GI side effects marijuana has also been
shown to improve appetite and increase food intact helping prevent weight lost and wasting of these patients.
Marijuana has also been found to have positive results in reducing tremors in patients with Parkinson’s.
Studies also show that medical marijuana use helps reduce anxiety and depression and improves sleep in
patients with certain neurological disorders.
As stated, before there are negative effects to most medications and marijuana is not exception. While there is
clear evidence of benefits of acute medical marijuana chronic use and abuse can lead to negative outcomes.
Short term use in patients with some neurological disorders is effective in reducing symptoms, but long-term
use may actually lead to cognitive impairments causing exacerbation of anxiety and depression. Chronic use
has also shown to lead to dependence and abuse. Long term inhalation of marijuana can also lead to
respiratory disease and decrease in function of reproduction systems in both males and females. As healthcare
workers we must be aware of these risks and assess our patients for signs and symptoms of these negative
cognitive, respiratory  , and reproductive effects.
Suryadevara, U., Bruijnzeel, D., Nuthi, M., Jagnarine, D., Tandon, R., & Bruijnzeel, A. (2017). Pros and cons of
medical cannabis use by people with chronic brain disorders. Retrieved March 21, 2021, from
book:Karch, A. M. (2017). Focus on nursing pharmacology. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
DQ 1. After reading your assigned chapters, please imagine that you are required to provide your nursing
peers with a continuing education offering of intentional and quasi-intentional torts. Discuss what information
you would present to them and how you would present this information. Also, include how you would evaluate
the effectiveness of this educational offering. (Students with last name beginning with A – M).
If offering continuing education to my nursing peers regarding intentional and quasi-intentional torts, I would
offer these teachings as PowerPoint with images related to examples of each tort. In the PowerPoint I would
discuss the meaning of intentional torts, which is an intended action, volitional or willful action against an
injured person, and causation, which means the act must be a significant element in bringing about the injury
or consequence (Guido, 2014). I would then give examples of common intentional torts including assault,
battery, and fraud. I would then discuss the meaning of quasi-intentional torts which is when intent is lacking,
however volitional action and direct causation remain (Guido, 2014). I would then list examples, to include
invasion of privacy and defamation.
In my opinion, video and illustrations tend add more to teaching then just words. With that being said, I would
also provide pictures and videos to show examples of intentional and quasi-intentional torts. Even creating/
acting out scenes for each example would be a great idea. To evaluate my nursing peers, I would have them
complete an evaluation regarding the information presented in the PowerPoint, videos, and acted out scenes. I
would then provide a short multiple-choice quiz to assess how effective this education was.
Guido, G. W. (2014). Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing (6th ed.). Pearson.
DQ 1. After reading your assigned chapters, please imagine that you are required to provide your nursing
peers with a continuing education offering of intentional and quasi-intentional torts. Discuss what information
you would present to them and how you would present this information. Also, include how you would evaluate
the effectiveness of this educational offering. (Students with last name beginning with A – M).
If I were providing a continuing education course at my workplace I would start with researching the topic from
various credible source. After completing my research I would create a PowerPoint Presentation and a
pamphlet as a handout. I would make sure the PowerPoint is organized, appealing, and not too busy. It is also
important to make interactive and not too long, so the audience doesn’t lose interest. Involving some fun in 
learning helps engage the audience and enhances their knowledge, so I would bring candy or handouts for
those who participate. The PowerPoint would include the description and examples of the various tort laws as
well as pictures. I would also add in examples that resulted in legal action. I would evaluate the effectiveness of
the education provided by watching to see if they are engaged in the presentation as well as asking questions.
I could also include an evaluation slide at the end of my presentation.
It is important that nurses are aware of legal terms and what the difference is. As a nurse one of the most
significant laws to be familiar with is tort law. A tort is civil wrong or wrongful act, causing injury to another
individual or property. It is the most frequent classification of law seen in the healthcare setting (Guido, 2014).
A quasi-intentional tort is an act that directly causes damage to an individual’s privacy or emotional well-being,
without the intent to cause harm or injury. Example of quasi-intentional torts are invasion of privacy and
defamation (Guido, 2014). An intentional tort is described as a civil wrong, resulting from an intentional act.
Example of intentional torts in healthcare are assault, battery, false imprisonment, conversion of property,
trespass to land and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Guido, G. W. (2014). Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing. (6th ed.). Pearson.
book: Guido, G. W. (2014). Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing. (6th ed.). Pearson.

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