Mediterranean civilisations/societies appear to have collapsed
Critically assess the arguments for how and why some Mediterranean civilisations/societies appear to have collapsed
(Obvious examples here include the collapse of Bronze Age societies in the Aegean or the demise of the Roman Empire – you can choose one example, or two, where you perhaps compare the different societies and the reasons for their collapse) Summative essay advice YOU MUST NOT CHANGE THE ESSAY TITLE It is important that by the end of the Autumn Term you have considered all the feedback you have received on your written work and thought carefully about the art of writing first-class essays, building upon the skills you’ve picked up over your two years here, particularly in Research Skills. Two things will make your essay really stand out. Firstly the level of detail. Each case study you use to illustrate your answer should be fully discussed, and plenty of relevant detail given; you have to be very careful not to go into irrelevant detail. Secondly, your essay should have a very strong argument running all the way through it, demonstrating that you have really thought about the question. This is a formal piece of academic writing, and one of your last chances to practice the art before you submit your dissertation. For that reason, it is essential that you understand and apply all the key conventions. Thus, the essay should be written in good, scholarly English, be illustrated where relevant (with illustrations correctly accredited, and referred to in the text), and it must be fully referenced, following departmental guidelines. The difference between a 2.2 and a 2.1 is often whether there is a strong argument (description alone – however detailed – may only get you a 2.2). We are testing you on the breadth and depth of your learning and critical thinking. If you are in any doubt about what we mean by this look at the grade descriptors again, but also have a look at all the learning guides on the VLE on the skills tab or the Academic Integrity website, which also has a variety of links to academic writing.