MGMT 3010 SU15 Final Exam Part I Virg Setzer – Instructor

MGMT 3010 Managing People For Competitive Advantage Summer 2015 Virg Setzer – Instructor Your Final Exam Part I: – Guideline Value: 100 Points Final Exam Part I – 100 Points (10%)
Your Final Exam Part I, starts with our first class. A Guideline is provided. Read and study the guideline and begin capturing your Critical Learning Points with the very first class. If you are diligent and capture critical points in each class it will be easy for you to finalize your Exam paper prior to the deadline at the end of the semester. Pay close attention to the guidance provided in the guideline – be sure to effectively address and answer each of the required questions for each learning point.
Note: The Final Question is valued at 22 points – be sure to remember to answer that question after considering all of your learning points for the semester. Part I of your Exam will be completed throughout the semester – Part I is valued at 100 Points – Part I is due by 3 pm on July 22 – It is shown in the Assignments section and should be submitted through the Assignments section on Canvas. This exam will not be accepted late. This assignment will require you to be attentive and capture key learning points throughout the course – 13 classes in Week 1 through Week 7 (June 8 through July 20) – (Class for July 22, 27, & 29 excluded). You are to consider all the information covered in class — Instructor comments and presentations, guest speaker presentations, discussions, and classmate presentations. Simply providing information from the textbooks or other sources not covered in class is not acceptable.
• For each class identify what you believe are the three most critical learning points covered in that class (you may identify more than three, but you are to document the three most critical in your judgment).
• This means that you will generate 39 Critical Learning points over the 13 weeks. During your week 13 class you must also answer the last question and then submit your paper in the Assignments Section of Canvas — Remember the due date is July 22 at 3 pm. Please note papers submitted late will not be accepted.

MGMT 3010 SU15 Final Exam Part I Virg Setzer – Instructor
Document your learning’s including the following items: Three Learning Points For Each Class (Each of the 39 Learning Points is valued at 2 points for a total of 78 points) – Not what you have read, but rather what you learned in class from Instructor presentations, classmate presentations, guest speaker presentations, and class discussions.
Remember: Three Critical Learning Points from each class Each Learning Point Must Include:
• Class Date • Specific Source • Why this is a critical learning point?
Note: If these elements are not included, no credit will be given
Comments: Some students simply supply a bullet point list – without providing the required information – doing so is of no value. This exam is very easy if you take notes in each class and then following class prepare your three learning points – if you wait until your next class or sometime later you will likely not remember the details sufficiently, if you keep up each week, as your approach week 13 your exam will be easy to complete. Your Final Question (Valued at 22 Points): Consider all 39 of the Key Learning points you have identified throughout the course.
§? Which of these do you believe is the most critical for your learning in regard to Managing People For A Competitive Advantage? §? Why? What is your basis for that decision? §? How will you use that learning as you move forward in your career?

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