Module 5 Disaster Scenario Worksheet and Rubric

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Fully Met
Partially Met/Good Partially Met/Fair Not Met
Timeliness Indicators Posted by the deadline Posted 1 day late Posted 2–4 days late Posted 5 or more days late
Grade Impact No impact 10% reduction in overall assignment score 20% reduction in overall assignment score 0 points

Part 1: Disaster Response Quiz (Short essay answer)
You received a disaster scenario from your Instructor. Respond to the following questions as they relate to your scenario.
(12 points for each question) Response Score
Identify at least two relevant agencies that would be involved in this disaster response and their respective roles, in brief. Characterize the likely environmental contamination resulting from the disaster. Be sure to describe environmental fate, transport, and persistence, where applicable. Identify the population at risk of exposure. Are there any susceptible/sensitive populations of concern? Choose one possible environmental exposure from your provided disaster scenario that has the potential to impact human health. Describe how this exposure would be measured in the population at risk. Be sure to consider characteristics of the exposure (e.g., in both the environment and via biological media). What might be an appropriate study design to determine whether this exposure is related to excess morbidity or mortality in the population, and why? Instructor comments:
Total Score (60 possible points)

Quality Indicators Fully Met
Partially Met/Good Partially Met/Fair Not Met
Content Quality
(12 points) All parts of the questions were clearly and completely answered
Responses demonstrated critical thinking and analysis

(12 points) Minor parts of the questions were not clearly answered or were incorrect.
Responses demonstrated some critical thinking and analysis
Writing was a little unclear (typos, minor issues)

(10–11 points)
Larger parts of the questions were not answered or were incorrect
Responses were limited/shallow, not demonstrating critical thinking and analysis
Writing was unclear (frequent typos, grammatical errors)

(9 points)
The responses did not reflect the provided scenario
Most or all of the questions were not answered or were incorrect

(0–8 points)

Part 2: Odds Ratio

The following 2 x 2 table represents a study of exposure X and disease Y relating to your provided disaster scenario. Using these data in the table below, calculate the appropriate ratio measure of association for your chosen study design. Interpret the result in terms of the exposure you selected and a health endpoint plausibly related to the exposure.

Not Diseased

Exposed 65 120 185
Not Exposed 20 135 155
85 255
Odds ratio:

Risk ratio:


Quality Indicators Fully Met
Partially Met/Good Partially Met/Fair Not Met
Content Quality
(15 points) Odds ratio and risk ratio correct
Interpretation correct

(14–15 points) Odds ratio and risk ratio correct
Interpretation not fully correct

(12–13 points)
Odds ratio and risk correct
One or both interpretations incorrect
Odds ratio and interpretation incorrect but risk ratio and interpretation correct
Risk ratio and interpretation incorrect but odds ratio and interpretation correct

(10–11 points)
Odds ratio and Risk ratio incorrect or missing
Interpretation for both incorrect

(0–9 points)

Final Score:

Part 1 Score (60 possible points) Part 2 Score (15 possible points) Total Score (75 possible points) Instructor comments (Timeliness):
Timeliness Factor (late points deducted):

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