Networking Architecture And Hardware

Your company is in the process of upgrading the network infrastructure, which involves moving from a 10BaseT and 100BaseT network to Gigabit Ethernet. Currently, they use Bus topology in some older parts of the network with Star topology in some high-utilization areas.

Is it necessary to replace the old Bus topology with a Star topology across the board? Why or why not?
What updates you would have to perform to network hardware in order to move to Gigabit Ethernet? Would this affect only workstations, or might other equipment be impacted?
How would you provide the best desktop connectivity for end users, and the fastest possible throughput and security for the payroll department?
In addition, decide what type of devices to use in the closet. Write a page paper using the APA style that summarizes your findings and provides enough detail to fully support your opinion and any arguments. The body section of your paper must be at least 5 pages and not exceed 6 pages in length. You may include one diagram in your paper, which must be entirely original work and may not exceed one-half page. You can use Visio or your favorite diagramming software.

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