RDBMS vs OODBMS and Cursors and Embedded SQL

  1. What are the main differences between designing a relational database and an object database. Illustrate by examples.
  2. Describe the concept of a cursor and how it is used in embedded SQL.
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1. Relational vs. Object Databases

Relational Databases

  • Data Structure: Data is organized into tables, with rows representing records and columns representing attributes.
  • Data Model: Based on the relational model, which uses mathematical concepts to represent data relationships.
  • Query Language: SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to query and manipulate data.

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  • Example: A simple database for a library might have tables for books, authors, and borrowers. A query to find all books by a specific author would involve joining the books and authors tables.

Object Databases

  • Data Structure: Data is organized into objects, which encapsulate both data and behavior.
  • Data Model: Based on the object-oriented model, which uses objects and classes to represent real-world entities and their relationships.
  • Query Language: Object-oriented query languages (OQL) are used to query and manipulate data.
  • Example: In an object database, a book object might have attributes like title, author, and publication year, as well as methods like “borrow” and “return.” A query to find all books borrowed by a specific user could directly invoke the “borrowedBy” method on each book object.

Key Differences

Feature Relational Database Object Database
Data Structure Tables and rows Objects and classes
Data Model Relational model Object-oriented model
Query Language SQL OQL
Data Complexity Simpler data structures Complex data structures
Performance Generally faster for simple queries Can be slower for complex queries, but offers better performance for complex object-oriented operations

2. Cursors in Embedded SQL

A cursor is a database object that allows sequential access to a result set, row by row. It’s used in embedded SQL to process large result sets efficiently and to perform complex data manipulations.

How Cursors Work:

  1. Declaration: A cursor is declared with a name and an associated SQL statement.
  2. Opening: The cursor is opened to execute the SQL statement and retrieve the result set.
  3. Fetching: Rows are fetched from the result set one at a time using a fetch operation.
  4. Processing: The fetched row is processed as needed, such as updating or inserting data.
  5. Closing: The cursor is closed to release system resources.


  SELECT * FROM books WHERE author = 'John Doe';

OPEN book_cursor;

FETCH NEXT FROM book_cursor INTO @book_id, @book_title;

  -- Process the fetched book
  UPDATE books SET price = price * 1.1 WHERE book_id = @book_id;

  FETCH NEXT FROM book_cursor INTO @book_id, @book_title;

CLOSE book_cursor;
DEALLOCATE book_cursor;

In this example, the book_cursor is declared to retrieve books by John Doe. The cursor is opened, and rows are fetched one by one. Each fetched row is processed to increase the price by 10%. The cursor is closed and deallocated when all rows have been processed.


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