Relapse Prevention will be another essential aspect for many of our clients to be successful in addiction treatment. Due to this a Relapse Prevention Plan will be a necessary part of a client’s recovery. Relapse Preventions Plans must be individualized for each client and should provide goals for recovery and to motivate the client. They should also assist the client in identifying his or her triggers and craving. Preventative tools, support groups, as well as case management/treatment should be included in this. Life improvements need to be taken into consideration as it is developed. Accountability methods need to be included.

1.) First, read the overview of the Relapse Prevention Plan Client provided at the bottom of the Assignment Instructions. This will be the client that you base the Relapse Prevention Plan on.
2.) You will cover the areas listed below in the Relapse Prevention Plan that you will submit. A template has been provided for you to follow. Review both the template and the grading rubric carefully when completing this assignment.
3.) Include the following areas in the Relapse Prevention Plan:
a. Develop Goals for Recovery and Motivation for this Client
i. Set broad goals aimed at replacing dysfunctional behaviors with adaptive ones in order to facilitate resolution of the target problem(s).
ii. Goals should be measurable and focus on long-term, global outcomes of treatment.
iii. Goals should be more than the elimination of pathology. They should be directed at the client learning new and more functional methods of coping.
b. Triggers
i. Identify what triggers may exist for this client: certain people and places that might spark an urge to use again
ii. Detail how the client may be able to steer clear from high-risk situations
iii. Create exit strategies for unavoidable scenarios
c. How to Manage Cravings
i. What cravings might this client experience?
ii. Develop methods that will assist the client to understand whether the craving pertains to an emotional, mental, or physical relapse
iii. Generate coping strategies for each type of craving

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