Research and mapping EH issues



Health Access in the City of Dearborn
In the 500 Cities Project, The City of Dearborn was identified as one of the top cities in the US with high rates
of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. In conjunction with these findings, the City is very interested in
understanding community health access and possible disparities that exist in different sectors of the
population. Identify one specific topic aspect of health access to focus on.
Option 2: Environmental Health & Justice
Identify one major source of environmental pollution (air, water, or soil) in a metropolitan area to research. Your
research should focus on the elements that impact environmental health and justice.
If you choose to focus on Detroit, some examples include:
1. Detroit Renewable Energy
(a.k.a. the Detroit Incinerator)
2. Zug Island and surrounding industry
3. Detroit’s petroleum coke piles
4. Ambassador Bridge and related mobile sources


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