Residential segregation




1) In this class, we have discussed various ways in which residential segregation contributes to racial inequality. Discuss how race-based segregation affects health inequalities, the education system, and environmental justice, among other issues. Cite specific examples from lecture, recitation, and the readings to support your answer.

2) What aspects of the film Shenandoah tie into what we have learned about race and the criminal justice system? In other words, use Shenandoah as a case study to illustrate how the criminal justice system reinforces inequality and supports racist ideologies and institutions. Use material from lecture, recitation, and the readings to support your argument.

3) Choose either question a or b.

a) Using materials from lecture, recitation and the readings, answer the following question: “What is the economic impact of immigration on the economy?” Note that the answer to this question is complex and you should show that level of complexity in your answer. Support your position with evidence from lecture, recitation, and the readings.

b) Explain why you think affirmative action is either a justified or an unjustified policy to address racial inequality in the United States. In your answer, you should clearly demonstrate your understanding of what affirmative action is and how it operates. Your position should be fully supported with evidence from lecture, recitation, and the readings.




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