Resource List

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Resource List

Find Nine (9) Early Childhood Special Education web-based resources, three (3) at the national level, three (3) at the state level, and three (3) at YOUR local level (i.e. Milwaukee County, City of Kenosha, City of Milwaukee, etc.). One (1) of the three resources in each category must be for teachers, one (1) for families of children with disabilities, and the third one may be for either. You may not use the same resource for two areas (i.e. teacher and families, local and state, etc.) Use the form on the following pages for your project. Just click in the empty space next to the item description and type in your information.

4 points per website – 2 for appropriateness of the site based on requirements above, and 2 for composition (i.e. spelling, punctuation, clarity of content) Total points = 36
Below is an example with some further explanations of what each area means and how to address it.


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line) Milwaukee Area Early Childhood Special Education Association

How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps) Googled “early childhood special education, Milwaukee”, then selected this website link from the list that came up
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website To inform parents about the challenges of raising a child with a disability and to provide services and resources to them
Intended audience Families of young children with exceptional education needs
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.) Online parent workshops, case management services, community outreach programs in various locations throughout the city
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.) Videos about ways to help the children to function in their environment more effectively, pamphlets about resources available in the city, a list of books on the subject, numerous links to other related web sites
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.) This web site gives information that parents can use to help raise their children and afford them some stability, and access to
Offer information in any language other than English? Yes. Spanish and German
One sentence evaluating the website This site seems to be a very valuable site for parents of children with disabilities because it offers very good information and a variety of resources and services available inline and in the community.


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line)
How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps)
Description of the website
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website
Intended audience
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.)
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.)
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.)
Offer information in any language other than English?
One sentence evaluating the website


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line)
How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps)
Description of the website
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website
Intended audience
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.)
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.)
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.)
Offer information in any language other than English?
One sentence evaluating the website


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line)
How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps)
Description of the website
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website
Intended audience
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.)
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.)
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.)
Offer information in any language other than English?
One sentence evaluating the website


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line)
How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps)
Description of the website
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website
Intended audience
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.)
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.)
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.)
Offer information in any language other than English?
One sentence evaluating the website


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line)
How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps)
Description of the website
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website
Intended audience
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.)
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.)
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.)
Offer information in any language other than English?
One sentence evaluating the website


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line)
How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps)
Description of the website
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website
Intended audience
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.)
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.)
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.)
Offer information in any language other than English?
One sentence evaluating the website


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line)
How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps)
Description of the website
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website
Intended audience
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.)
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.)
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.)
Offer information in any language other than English?
One sentence evaluating the website


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line)
How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps)
Description of the website
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website
Intended audience
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.)
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.)
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.)
Offer information in any language other than English?
One sentence evaluating the website


Website Name and Address (Name on top line, address on the next line)
How you located the website (exact steps, so that a stranger may be able to locate it through your steps)
Description of the website
Objectives (motto, if available) of the website
Intended audience
Services offered (e.g. workshops, outreach programs, social networks, etc.)
Any resources offered: (e.g. publications, video links, links to other sites, etc.)
Information provided: (e.g. Defines disability, causes, risk factors, symptoms, etc.)
Offer information in any language other than English?
One sentence evaluating the website

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