
First of all see the four attached files.
1-Data findings of the Questionnaire.
-Provide a shot introduction and purpose of the this chapter. This chapter is divided into two parts: first one is descriptive data analysis, and second part is techniques used in this study.
1.2 Response rate.
-Provide a short introduction and then do figure similar to attached file No 1.
1.3 Data analysis
-Provide a short introduction.
-Use the attachments (phase one and excel sheet) Please provide attractive graph other than the provided ones.
1.3.1 Demographic data
1.3.2 Benefits
1.3.3 Non technical barriers
Provide link to next section.
1.4 Phase two
Provide a short introduction and use the attached file (Diagrams)
1.4.1 Description of the rich picture and problematic situation ( 1) Results of not using electronic system 2) Impact of manual data entry especially in A&E. Electronic system is beneficial but we should consider the barriers.
1.4.2 Power mapping (Briefly write the stockholders and their power for example,resistance may come from physicians and health professionals.
1.4.3 Use case diagram in hospital A (Before). Briefly describe what can the system does for primary actor (Clerk and physician)
1.4.4 Use case diagram in hospital B (Before). Briefly describe what can the system does for primary actor (Clerk and physician)
1.4.5 Use case diagram in hospital A (After) Briefly describe what can the system does for primary actor (Clerk and physician)
1.4.6 UML activity diagram, care process for patients to an accident and emergency (A&E) department at hospital A. Just mention that the activity diagram shows two problems; one is long waiting list and the second one is manual data entry. Briefly write the impact on physicians in A&E deaprtment.
1.4.7 Benefits Dependency Network. Briefly write the results of having electronic system in A&E at hospital A
1.5 Provide summary of the chapter.

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