Should the U.S. military defend Taiwan from attack by China


Should the U.S. military defend Taiwan from attack by China?
Should the U.S. Constitution be amended to create a “balanced budget” amendment?
Should the U.S. Constitution be amended to impose term limits on members of Congress?


Should the electoral college be replaced with a direct election for the President by the people?
Should benefits in federal welfare programs be reduced, limited or eliminated?
Should the federal income tax be abolished and be replaced with a national sales tax with a constitutionally mandated rate limit?
Should all illegal immigrants in the United States be granted amnesty and be provided with residence status and a green card?
Should the Governor of California begin executions of prisoners on Death Row?
Should Metro implement a plan to tax all drivers on L.A. freeways for every mile they travel?
Should prayer be allowed in public schools?
Should a voucher system be implemented in California as a means to provide private school education to children of poor people?


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