Structural social work practice
I. Define structural social work practice (1-page)
a. Identify 3 underlying assumptions about this practice framework regarding:
i. The role of social worker experiences, biases, values, beliefs, assumptions, expectations in understanding and addressing client problems and needs
ii. Understanding the individual client’s problems and needs in the broader social context
iii. The division between micro- and macro- social work practice
II. Define and describe Maurice Moreau’s five goals that guide structural social work practice from our Lundy reading (1-2 pages)
a. The first goal in Moreau’s model is “Defense of the Client.” How does this goal relate to Edwards’ Allyship model, and specifically, the “Ally for social justice”?
III. As you imagine your future social work practice, how will you strive to address issues of power, privilege, and oppression? (1-page)
a. Draw from Parker’s article, “A Social justice model for clinical social work practice,” to identify one concrete method you will use within the context of your practice arena
i. Justify your decision by invoking and applying one of the six NASW core values