The formation of flagella in sperm.


1. You are studying the formation of flagella in sperm. The following dynamic stability graph
(looking at cytoskeleton length) was generated from the addition of different components to
growth media. At each time point (letter) a drug / protein / molecule was added and the
change in length was seen. For each letter, state what might have been added to the media
and your rationale.
For your answer, just list A-G and state the drug / protein / molecule added and why it affected the length
of the flagella. You cannot use the same drug / protein / molecule twice.
2. What technique would you use to visualize the experiment in question 1. Explain (a) how
the technique works, (b) why you chose that technique, and (c) what you would expect to
see during the experiment.
3. On the home page for chapter 13 was an image of a cell
extending its filopodia and coronaviruses moving along the
filopodia to reach the next cell. Draw a cell with an extending
filopodia. Label the cytoskeleton components, including the
accessory proteins that you would find in the filopodia.
4. Draw 4 normal epithelial cells, the basal lamina, and ECM. Label the cell-cell junctions, cellECM junctions, and components of the ECM. Now, draw a metastasizing melanoma cell
breaking through the basal lamina and crawling away from its original location.
5. Draw 2 cardiac cells – the first sending the signal to contract to the second cell. The second
cell is then contracting. Be sure to include the signaling molecule and what a contraction
looks like at the molecular level.
6. You are studying smooth muscle contraction. You add non-hydrolyzable ATP. This means
ATP cannot be hydrolyzed to ADP and Pi. Diagram what happens during a normal smooth
muscle contraction and explain what would happen when this form of ATP is added. Be
7. What is this diagram representing? And what is each box (A-C) pointing to?
A. shared cell component
B. Name the
C. What could these
represent? Give 3 possibilities.
8. Fill in the chart below. What I want you to determine is what would happen to a healthy
tissue if the following proteins were missing. Pretend we can magically make these proteins
disappear. I have given you a specific tissue type for each protein. (Hint: think about what
the normal function of that protein is for that specific tissue and then answer what would
happen to the cell / tissue if the protein magically disappeared.) Be specific in your
answer. Be sure your answer relates to the specific protein and tissue type.
Be sure to cite your sources if you look up information.
protein that
tissue / cell type effect on cell / tissue type
MMPs cancer
claudins intestine
connexin cardiac cells
GTP-tubulin cancer
dynein sperm
ankyrin RBC (red blood
collagen skin
integrins crawling cell


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