The type of choreography as the entire production
Watch the entire video below, then pick two songs/dances of your choice to analyze. Then fill in the form below.
1. Specify the type of choreography as the entire production. (Not each dance segment)
2. Identify the elements of dance. (Pick two Time elements, two Space elements, and one energy element to specify each piece.)
3. Write a reflection paragraph(minimum of 150 words required. The reflection should be your reflection on the entire production. Not on each individual
1) Double-spaced required for the entire document.
2) No “whole dance” or “Entire piece” is accepted as a time code. The time code must be less than 10 seconds. (There is no specified time range for your
time code.)
3) Do not list the same sub-categories multiple times. (Do not list the same sub-category in both pieces!)
5) Do not include any researched materials, quotes, or articles regarding this dance piece. (Point deduction)
6) Do not repeat the statements on elements or choreographic types in your reflection.
7) If you don’t use the specified submission form below, your maximum points will be 5 points.
8) List of Music
I Been ‘Buked
Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel
Fix Me, Jesus
Processional/Honor, Honor
Wade in the Water
I Wanna Be Ready
Sinner Man
The Day is Past and Gone
You May Run On
Rocka My Soul in the Bosom of Abraham
Submission form
Type of choreography as a whole production: (Storyline, Theme or Abstract – Pick only one)
Choreographic type: _________________________________________
Dance piece 1 (Specified the name of the song)____________________
Elements analysis
ex. Stillness 0’34” – 0’42” Dancer stop suddenly on the center stage and hold the position
Make sure to list the sub-category name, time code in movements range, and short movement descriiption!
Dance piece 2 (Specified the name of the song )_______________________________________
Elements analysis
Reflection (150 words minimum)
DO NOT describe the storyline or ballet company background information. I want to hear what you felt and see through this production. Also, DO NOT repeat the elements analysis or things you already discussed.



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