The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food data

Select a heavily processed food that you consume. If you avoid heavily processed foods, search for one that you might be curious about on the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food data Central Search site.
Ensure your selection has a minimum of 3 processed ingredients and a minimum of 5 ingredients in total.
Once your food selection has been made, look for each ingredient listed on its label on the Chemical Cuisine site.
Then document which ingredients are additives and make note of each additive’s function.
Include in your original post:
• Food name
• Food ingredients
• Ingredients that are additives
• Purpose of each additive
• Additional food label information of interest (sodium content, health claims, serving size, etc.)
• A recommendation about the food – should your classmates consume it?
• An explanation about how you arrived at this recommendation.
• Be sure to provide appropriate citations and documentation for comments about the health implications surrounding food additives.

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