The United States in a global economy
It’s often difficult for us to envision our role in the global economy. The purpose of this exercise is to see the
extent of our dependence on others.
Visit a discount store like Walmart or Target and pick out ten items. Where has each been made? To what
extent does this inform your thinking about our being part of a global economy? Is there a global division of
labor? Defend your answer.
Your reflection should be about two pages, double-spaced, in 12 pt. Times New Roman or similar font. There
should be one page with a list of the items and one page of explanation.
Do not bias your findings by putting some items you picked back on the shelf. What you pick is what you use
for this assignment. You should identify each of the ten items you selected (blouse, toy, household product)
and where it was made(Some parts may be made in different countries). Tally up the items that were made in
the U.S. and outside of the U.S., then answer the following question: To what extent does this inform your
thinking about our being part of a global economy? From what you found, is there a global division of labor?
Defend your answer.