TheSolarGroup (TSG) wants to be a leader in the engineering of solar solutions for energy generation
Case Study: Problem 4
TheSolarGroup (TSG) wants to be a leader in the engineering of solar solutions for energy generation. A robust network infrastructure is necessary. TSG would like to utilize existing tools to manage the network metadata. One tool is the data dictionary, which provides a repository for metadata or data about data. The principle is to collect data once and use them many times and to ensure the right data are used. An advanced active data dictionary (AADD) supports the enterprise-wide control for standardizing data definitions. The key is to determine how a tool such as a data dictionary might fit into the organizational structure.
Assignment Details
Tasks to be completed before adding the new content for Week 4 are as follows:
• Update the Network Enterprise Architecture Plan document title page with the new date.
• Update the previously completed sections based on your instructor’s feedback.
Week 4: Network Enterprise Architecture Design
Create a “To-Be” vision for the design of the next generation network for your selected organization. Begin with an assessment of the “As-Is” network enterprise architecture (EA) from previous efforts. Identify technology and requirement updates. Include organizational and usage changes, possibly resulting from merger and acquisition changes. Suggest changes that are necessary. Finally, summarize the changes for the new network EA. Include the following in your plan:
• Assess the current network EA, identifying networking needs.
• Analyze changes that are needed to the network EA for requirements and technology upgrades.
• Include these changes into viewpoints to create the network “To-Be” EA.
Worked Example
Please refer to the worked example that follows for an example of this assignment based on the problem-based learning scenario. The worked example is not intended to be a complete example of the assignment, but it will illustrate the basic concepts that are required for completion of the assignment, and it can be used as a general guideline for your own project. Your assignment submission should be more detailed and specific, and it should reflect your own approach to the assignment rather than just following the same outline provided in the worked example.
Note that the worked example includes material from previous worked examples. The new material will be found under the Week 3 sections of the table of contents.
Review this worked example to help you with the assignment.
Submit the draft of your Key Assignment, which consists of sections 1, 2, 3, and 4.
This section should be supported with scholarly sources. Be sure to cite your sources both in-text and on the References page.