Thread: Self-Defense/Defense of Others and the Bible
In 1987, Florida became a “shall issue” concealed carry state, which opened a floodgate of states who adopted similar laws. Currently, all 50 states allow some form of concealed carry. This has brought attention to many theories of self-defense and defense of others.
Please discuss the following:
- Discuss the concept of self-defense as it appears in the Bible. Can a person, biblically, justify the taking of another’s life to save his or her own life? To save the life of another?
- Is carrying a concealed weapon biblical?
- Are Stand Your Ground laws and the Castle Doctrine biblical?
Sample Answer
Let’s explore these questions about self-defense, concealed carry, and biblical principles. It’s important to note that interpretations of scripture can vary, and these are complex issues with no easy answers. These responses aim to provide a balanced overview of different perspectives.
1. Self-Defense in the Bible:
The Bible doesn’t explicitly address every modern scenario of self-defense, but it does contain passages that touch on the concept.
- Arguments for Self-Defense: Some point to passages like Exodus 22:2, which discusses the right to defend one’s home against a nighttime intruder (with the implication that lethal force might be necessary). Other examples, like Nehemiah arming the workers building the wall in Jerusalem (Nehemiah 4:13-18), suggest a responsibility to protect oneself and others. The concept of “just war” in the Old Testament also implies a right to use force in certain circumstances.