Traditional and Contemporary architecture in Rwanda, Africa

For this assignment, chose two buildings from DIFFERENT eras, at least 100 years apart, we have studied. On a single page, saved as a PDF, write a (in between) 200-250 word essay that does the following (please do not use this example for your assignment: these are not buildings we have discussed in detail, but only for example purposes):

  1. Introduce each building, location, date, architect, and the original use of the building. Include a photo of each. (These titles can be included in word count) Interior or exteriors can be used.
  2. Describe at least TWO characteristics between the buildings that are SIMILAR. For example, “The Villa Rotunda designed by Andrea Palladio and Monticello (1571) , designed by Thomas Jefferson (beginning 1770), both have central plans with domes in the center of the building. These domes are visible from the outside and are the dominant feature of each building. Both buildings also have pedimented porch temple-front entries with classical columns across the front and are raised up on a pedestal requiring steps up to the building.” Then say WHY “The Villa Rotunda was designed by Palladio, who became influential through his “Quattro LIbri” treatise, which then became an important influence for later builders who created pattern books, which Thomas Jefferson would have known of and used in the design of his house in Virginia.”
    3.Then, describe at least TWO characteristics between the buildings that are DIFFERENT. For example, “The Villa Rotunda was built in the Renaissance by Andrea Palladio, who placed four pedimented porches facing the four cardinal directions, where Monticello has only two. Monticello was built as a plantation, with enslaved people who were accommodated under the long porch-arms connected to the main house, where Villa Rotunda was built as a country respite from urban life, and originally was placed within agricultural lands.”
    Your descriptions may be longer, but these are examples of how you might compare architectural elements and how they fit into context of when they were designed and built. Keep the total word count in between 200-250 words.
    Please proofread your writing before submitting your final assignment! Use buildings from lectures and class. The layout is not important, as long as you have an image of both buildings side by side and the complete information. Watch your word count – it should be in between 200-250 words. Upload as a PDF on a single page. Here is an example: (attached)
    Google drive link: (class lecture)
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