Understanding Pompt Disease and its Impact on the Muscular System

Pompt Disease: Imbalances in the Muscular System
Research this disease and tell us about certain aspects of the disease. Make sure to include:
Signs and symptoms
Each section of your post should contain these headings. Include at least two pictures in your post (i.e. an unusual sign and/or symptom, a chart, a graph, a diagnostic tool). Use the Insert/Edit Image icon; do not include your picture as an attached file.
Some of these diseases affect other organ systems as well; please mention these systems but mostly focus on their effects on the muscular system since that is this module’s topic.

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Essay: Understanding Pompt Disease and its Impact on the Muscular System


Pompt disease, also known as glycogen storage disease type II or acid maltase deficiency, is a rare genetic disorder that affects the muscular system. This essay will delve into various aspects of Pompt disease, including its etiology, epidemiology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and prognosis.


Pompt disease is named after the Dutch pathologist Joannes Cassianus Pompe, who first described the condition in 1932. It is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme acid alpha-glucosidase.


The disease is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning that both parents must pass on a copy of the defective gene for a child to develop Pompt disease. The deficiency of acid alpha-glucosidase leads to the accumulation of glycogen in lysosomes, primarily in muscle cells.


Pompt disease affects approximately 1 in 40,000 live births worldwide. It is more common in certain ethnic groups, such as Ashkenazi Jews. While it can affect individuals of any age, symptoms typically appear in infancy or early childhood.

Pompt Disease Image

Signs and Symptoms

The hallmark feature of Pompt disease is progressive muscle weakness, which can lead to difficulties with mobility and respiratory function. Other symptoms include fatigue, respiratory problems, enlarged heart (cardiomegaly), and difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). The disease can also impact other organ systems, such as the heart and respiratory system.


Diagnosis of Pompt disease involves genetic testing to identify mutations in the GAA gene responsible for encoding acid alpha-glucosidase. Additionally, muscle biopsies may show the characteristic accumulation of glycogen within muscle cells.


While there is currently no cure for Pompt disease, treatment aims to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Enzyme replacement therapy can help supplement the deficient enzyme and slow down disease progression. Physical therapy and respiratory support may also be beneficial in managing symptoms.

Muscle Biopsy Image


The prognosis for individuals with Pompt disease varies depending on the age of onset and severity of symptoms. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial in improving outcomes. Without treatment, the disease can lead to significant disability and reduced life expectancy.

In conclusion, Pompt disease is a complex genetic disorder that primarily affects the muscular system due to enzyme deficiency. While challenging to manage, advances in treatment options offer hope for individuals living with this condition.

Cite your sources at the end of your post.



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