Upholding Ethical Standards in Behavior Analysis Practice: A Case Study Analysis
Cite the applicable Ethics Code(s) by number and name (e.g., 2.14 rather than 2.0). You must cite relevant codes/sections from the current Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. PLEASE ONLY PICK FROM ETHICS CODES SECTION 5 and 6
Rationale for Chosen Code(s)
Code Violation?
Antecedent Factors Contributing to Scenario
Preventative Strategies
Ethical Course of Action
Future Risk Factors to Keep in Mind
Fully address each of the above.
case 114- Samar is a BCBA who provides services to Deon, a 12-year-old male diagnosed with intellectual disability.Samar has found that Deons family does not seem to implement any of his recommendations. For example,Samars direct care staff have reported that Deon is often in diapers at the start of his sessions, despite the rec-ommendation to only use underwear in support of Deons toilet training program. In addition, the staff reg-ularly find Deon playing on his tablet when they arrive for sessions, despite the parents initially agreeing to thetablet being a contingent reinforcer for correct responding during intervention sessions. Given these challenges,Samar has informed the parents that his agency will no longer provide ABA services, and he has offered severalrecommended referrals to other agencies.