Week 3 Discussion 1Electronic Commerce

As electronic commerce has grown, the inevitable fallout from failed transactions and business relationships has resulted in a developing body of case law. Assess the practicality of using electronic commerce by federal agencies. Then identify a barrier that exists at within federal agencies that is not presented in free enterprise and discuss how this difference affects management. Support your answer.
Speculate on whether the government should be wary in relying on electronic commerce. Explain why or why not. Then present an argument that address how the concerns of e-commerce are paired against those of a corporation.

Week 3 Discussion 2
• 5
“Whistleblower Protections”

From the e-Activity, analyze the degree and form of protection a “whistleblower” can expect to receive after disclosing information to a member of Congress or an authorized official of an agency. Note: This refers to a situation where a substantial violation of law relating to contracts (including competition for negotiation of a contract) is suspected.

Consider yourself to be the whistleblower and explain the factors you would weigh in your decision to take action.
Take a position on whether the concerns about whistleblower protections is a factor that inhibits one’s decision to come forward about a substantial violation of law relating to contracts (including competition for negotiation of a contract). Suggest at least one alternative that could alleviate such concerns

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