“When does adolescence end?”


I’d like you to think through the question, “When does adolescence end?” Note that there are no “right” or “wrong” answers, but you will be expected to explain your response.

You might consider specific milestones that adolescents reach (school, being legal for various activities, etc)
Maybe different aspects of independence signal an end of adolescence for you
Or, maybe you want to consider physical development with regard to the body or brain.
After identifying what you believe is the “end” of adolescence and thoroughly explaining your answer, I want you to consider the implications of your answer on a developing adolescent. Specifically, if that milestone is the end – then it comes with some expectations or changes for this person, right? Consider what was expected of you when you became an “adult”. Do you feel like you had reached the end of adolescence? Was your development considered when you were put into various adult positions in life? Why or why not?

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