Wilson criticizes both gun control advocates and the National Rifle Association


1, Wilson criticizes both gun control advocates and the National Rifle Association for their ill-advised views. State his criticisms of each side, and explain whether and to what extent you agree.


2.rom the 401 topics provided in Modules choose an issue that interests you (choose the topic after careful consideration since you will be working on multiple assignments based on the same topic).

Write a brief 150 – 200 words paragraph, using the questions below to guide your writing:

Why does it interest you?

What is your position (support it or oppose it)?

What is your opponent’s position?

Frame a question based on your topic. For example: Should school uniforms be mandatory in all public schools in Texas?

The response to this with a reason is your thesis. “School uniforms should be mandatory in all public schools in Texas because _________.



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