Utilitarianism and Kantianism
Choose which side of the argument you are on! To begin:
Select two ethical theories to review:
The Golden Rule
From our readings or current events, select two ethical dilemmas for analysis. These dilemmas should be topics that you have not yet analyzed in this class. When selecting the dilemmas, consider it based upon the overall or larger topic or issue, not any individual persons or factors specific to one isolated incidence.
Apply your selected ethical theories (2) to evaluate both of your selected ethical dilemmas (2). Essentially, this assignment will introduce and offer a literature review of the two ethical theories and the two ethical dilemmas from peer-reviewed sources. Each theory will then be critically applied to both ethical dilemmas. The application of these theories to the dilemmas should be debated from various perspectives and these perspectives should be compared and contrasted. Tables and charts may be used as needed to visually represent this application.